Friday, November 16, 2012

Pascal’s triangle

Pascals triangle

I cut this ancient Chinese ‘s “”picure from wikipedia  :

I put checks and balances of five actions goes with the:

The” means stick. In the Chinese language .one is one stick ; two is two sticks ; three is 3 sticks  .One()  Two ()  Three() .

Pascal’s triangle 

Pascal’s triangle “shape”:

“Guy one, girl two; Guy three, girl four; Guy five, girl six;Guy seven, girl eight; Guy nine, girl ten”. (The 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 could be ordinal number also could be base number here

The numbers of the “Guy one, girl two; Guy three ……Guy nine, girl ten” may be the base number also may be the ordinal numbers. Depends on the observer ……Depending on how observer think of them,

View it as ordinal numbers:

5 “guys”+ 5 “girls” =ten “ people”

View it as base:

Odd number is masculine; even number is feminine.
Guy’s total that masculine’s total is 1+3+5+7+9=25  25 red points
Girl’s total that feminine’s total is 2+4+6+8+10 = 30 30 blue points

the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking

the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking 

  Take black, white color               Take red ,blue color to express it :
to express it :       

The “tortoise” could also be count like that. Tortoise is 45.

But in the “horse” is even more than odd. 
The following is I transfer an ancient Chinese guy’s  into English.
“Horse” is 55, tortoise is 45.        55+45=100
To bevel separate it from up and down, it must be one group is 55, another group is 45.
As follows:

But in the “horse” is even more than odd. 
The following is I transfer an ancient Chinese guy’s  into English.
“Horse” is 55, tortoise is 45.        55+45=100

To bevel separate it from up and down, it must be one group is 55, another group is 45.
As follows:

So it is the natural’s spontaneity not human did it on purse. If want to cut it 50:50.
It is two rectangles or four squares. In that case, don’t have any the feminine and masculine's reduce and increasein it.(Feminine and masculine don't have any contact --Gretel comment) 

Plus them together is 100. In the one hundred, has feminine and masculine in it. Of course Feminine and masculine get 50 each. (He means at “balance grey” situation haven’t action yet. “balance grey” means relatively static ----Gretel comment) so If the big size propagate number is 50 that the relatively stationary one is 50, and then the relative motion one is 49.The “one” don’t use,( The “one” don’t appear ----Gretel comment) While feminine and masculine's reduce and increase” that feminine and masculine‘s come and go, communicate, meeting …… or something would multiply by the “one”. Numbers never stop.
“Horse” is 50+5, “tortoise” is 50-5. Still be the number five that the five come and go. If meet the ten don't seeing the five.   If meet the five don't seeing the ten. …………….

Pastoral says that numbers comes from the math player’s heart, (There was an liberalism ancient Chinese guy very famous ..I give him an English name according his Chinese name and his property that Pastoral. He would express that number’s out is from the math player’s heart when it comes to numbers if we want to know. He means the reference of the number’s relative motion is from the math player’s desire. Ancient Chinese guys who play” too extreme” would quote this sentence he said, but totally Pastoral is not a guy who play math at all. List one thing Pastoral did: Pastoral would write articles to spoof or curse Confucius directly with good sense of humor thousands years ago for he think Confucius is not a genuine person and Confucius don't have true love. Pastoral is a liberalism ancient Chinese guy ----Gretel comment).
 the reference of the number’s relative motion is from the math player’s desire . when it comes to numbers if we want to know. Now I take the half as the key. The math player has the number in his heart .Then the heart of us has half a heart? Well, that’s a good question! Number’s out from the math player’s heart…..But our awareness or our heart or human-mind cannot be count by numbers. That’s the original one . (Chinese language don't have uncountable noun. uncountable noun as if the” original one” ----Gretel comment) number’s start to action from number is relatively motion .if numbers is relatively motion from relatively static .then it would be separate masculine and  feminine  out …..
Number  has limited , but odd even and  half don’t have limited If it’s no limited it could change without  obstacle  .Odd  is  masculine even  is  feminine. But half could be masculine also could be feminine……..Number’s accumulate started from one. Number’s separate started from half.
(Im sorry that I m a math idiot but being the translator. What is Number has limited he means? The only way I’m able to express it in English━━ It is like the following he want to say
I have a stick which the length of the stick is limited. I take it half (or cut away it half) every day, I can’t finish it forever and forever. The “Number has limited” as if the “stick” is limited. ----Gretel comment)   

I have a stick which the length of the stick is limited. I take it half (or cut away it half) every day, I can’t finish it forever and forever. It is Pastoral said too ----Gretel comment)

Einstein writes in the <the meaning of relativity >
(I’m very sorry, what I read is Chinese language version, I don't know the English text of Einstein’s)

Einstein says "It seems to us, personal experience is the arrangement became a sequence of events; we remember events in this sequence appears to be arranged in accordance with the" early "and" late "standard, this standard can no longer be further analysis. So, for the individual, on the existence of "I" time is subjective time, which in itself is unpredictable degree”

Number’s out from the math player’s heart….. But our awareness or our heart or human-mind cannot be count by numbers. That’s the original one .

the“ I-time” and“ subjective time” Einstein says as if the “original one” that the ancient Chinese  says .

When Big be thought as bigsmall is the reference.
When small be thought as smallbig is the reference.
When simple Present tense be thought as simple Present tense,simple past tense is the reference.
When simple past tense be thought as simple past tensesimple Present tense is the reference
When Before be thought as Beforeafter is the reference.
When after be thought as afterBefore is the reference.

Actually, When masculine be thought as masculinefeminine is the reference. When feminine be thought as femininemasculine is the reference .

The" early "and the" late” Einstein say as if the side of masculine and the side of feminine.
I could set masculine goes to feminine; I also could set feminine goes to masculine.
I could set man goes to woman; I also could set woman goes to man.
I could set positive goes to negativeI also could set negative  goes to positive.

Gretel apply some go with the ancient guy .as follows:

in the tortoise matrix ,odd number more than even number,so ,the “tortoise” is a “guy “(masculine )that male relatively to the “horse is a “girl” that female (feminine).   The “horse has more even number than odd number .
The reason of the two power that M and F would change just the M and F in unbalance situation that cause the never-ending battle between the two (M and F).But in the two , has to be only one power (M and F) is always swaying between balance and unbalance, Forever and forever.
If the one is dominant by masculine ,then it is masculine.
If the one is dominant by feminine ,then it is feminine.
It may feel like man also has female hormones in the body while woman also has male hormones in the body.
mans female hormones his male hormones
woman s male hormones her female hormones
several case may could be used to explain:

the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking

Hot water and cold water

"Balance grey warm water" would automatically has the cold water layer and the hot water layer may tell the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking

 Ancient Chinese Buddhism monk had invented a kind of huge size copper teapot to offer tea to lots of people. People don’t move the teapot, and what’s more too heavy and too huge to move.
Use carbon to heat the teapot. If anyone want to drink, the monk would add some cold water into the teapot, then warmer or hotter water would spill over from the spout of the teapot . Cold would go down, hot water would rise. The cold water and the hot water (the feminine and masculine) go to "balance gray” (warm water) would be a sort of gradually.
There always were monks or people want to drink tea , so the water of the teapot won’t be stop to be added new cold water .so ,it could  circle .(Generally Chinese don't like drink cold water ,at least I would not like to drink with cold temperature.)

                      Fish would change gender

The fish may tell the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking
It is said that some sort of fish could change the gender,If there is a group of male fishes live together, there must be part of them would become female fish automatically.If there is a group of female fishes live togetherthere must be  part of them would  become male fish automatically.


 Socrates may tell the feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking

I read a western story before.
A guy called Socrates once was asked, by two men, (Xenophon and Plato) The situation of the story by my poor English is that Plato can’t wait to get married while Xenophon want to divorce.
Socrates responded by saying " Do as you wish, you will likely regret, no matter what you choose".
Take this story as the reference. As follows:
If let Xenophon feel wonderful in the marriage (of course totally don’t want to divorce at all), then, that is the “balance grey” relatively to Plato’s situation.

 If let Plato feel cool being single that do not planning to get married , then, that is the “balance grey” too , relatively to Xenophon’s situation .

If let Xenophon want to divorce tells feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking relatively to  Platos situation. Then Plato want to get married deadly tells feminine and masculine's spontaneous symmetry breaking too ,relatively .

The tortoise matrix appear Pythagoras theorem out

4The tortoise  matrix appear Pythagoras theorem out

1. The tortoise’s Pythagoras theorem

(a)  (b)   (c)
3   4    5
9   12   15
27  36   45
81  108   135

The tortoise matrix appear four Pythagoras theorems, also could be relative motion .

Pascal’s triangle“shape”is the essence of the counting arts 幂型为算法之源

Pascals triangleshapeis the essence of the counting arts

the middle keep adding number is odd number keep going.
Plus the middle keep adding number I could get the number itself multiply itself
2²=4    1+3=4
3²=9    1+3+5=9
4²=16   1+3+5+7=16
5²=25   1+3+5+7+9=25
6²=36   1+3+5+7+9+11=36
7²=49   1+3+5+7+9+11+13=49
8²=64   1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15=64
9²=81   1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+17=81
10²=100 1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15+17+19=100

Since it has law of Addition and multiplication, then law of subtraction division would naturally in it :

10²=100   100-19 (that the middle keep adding number)=81
9²=81    81-17 (that the middle keep adding number) =64
8²=64    64-15=49
7²=49    49-13=36
6²=36    36-11=25
5²=25    25-9=16
4²=16    16-7=9
3²=9     9-5=4
2²=4     4-3=1

The left :one ()two), three …… is original number.

The middle is the keep adding number added by original numbers keep adding   like 1+2=3   3+2=5  ………
Until 8+9=17. ……
The right is the original number itself multiply itself.
The number itself multiply itself is done by the keep adding number’s sum. From it I could get the law of Addition and multiplication. Oh, Then the law of subtraction and division in it also. Since then ,it would multiply till .

Now I observe the tortoise matrix .I got square root; I got the law of Addition ;subtraction; multiplication; division, and Pythagoras theorem. It’s the tortoise matrix have not action yet already have those laws silently….

The heart of Pascal’s triangle “shape”


the tortoise matrix
Through the center five3 numbers of Vertical, horizontal or diagonal line would like this
 Vertical    9-5=5-1=4          right diagonal line  5-2=8-5=3   
horizontal    5-3=7-5=2          left diagonal line  5-4=6-5=1
  4+1=5         3+2=5

Three numbers of the four sides, neighbors number is same root number
  Up [492]   9-4=5        down [816]   6-1=5
Left [438]   8-3=5        right  [276]   7-2=5

Three lines, three columns, two diagonals their each group  ‘s sum
  horizontal  4+9+2=15      3+5+7=15         8+1+6=15  
  Vertical    4+3+8=15        9+5+1=15      2+7+6=15    
 diagonal line   4+5+6=15      2+5+8=15

 numbers has shape, shape never left numbers. Shapes would have various of looking, but All the measuring of shapes could start from square shape and round shape .so, when it comes to measure them, It has to be  triangle. That is why Pythagoras theorem is the “God father” of the measure arts ……

In the ten numbersonly six and eightcould be roundshape. That is why one”“six and eightis roundshapes number here.

In the ten numbersonly the four and the ninecould accumulatebecome square shape. That is why“ two” “four ”and “night ”is “square”shapes number here.

In the ten numbers to do the Pascal’s triangle shapefrom 1~4it is to “three” its heart. From 1~7it is to “five” its heart.from 1~10it is to “seven” its heart. That is whythree”“fiveandsevenis the  triangles number.