Saturday, November 10, 2012

Too extreme with the binary system ,expand the(a+b)²

Too extreme with the binary system

1  Half it or double it (the “half” and “double” here is verb)

Transverse looking figure


“Round”looking figure

F  first times bears .
S  second times bears.
T  third times bears .


I have a stick which the length of the stick is limited.(or a too extreme or a number), I take it half (or cut away it half) every day, I can't finish it forever and forever.


 I have a  stick  I have a  number........

The number that "I have a number” with too extreme is same . 

I have a stick (or a too extreme or a number), I take it half (or cut away it half) every day ,I can't finish it forever and forever. the length of the stick is limited  For example: I set a stick is 1cm

The Around shape:

I have a stick which The length of the stick is limited (or or a too extreme or a number), I take it half (or cut away it half) every day ,I can't finish it forever and followers:

20 = 1              too extreme  
21 = 1+1 = 2          2H
22 = 1+2+1 = 4        4H
23 = 1+3+3+1 = 8      8H  
24 = 1+4+6+4+1 = 16   16H

2H   Two hanging out
4H   four hanging out
8H   eight hanging out
16H  Sixteen hanging out
32H  Thirty-two hanging out
64H  Sixty-four hanging out
Each individual (one hanging out) means one situation or event.

usea+b³ to express across:
If I let A is masculine then B would be Feminine.


aaa ☰Romeo;            
bbb Juliet
bba ☳Forrest
abb ☶Isabella
aba ☲Paris
bab ☵Helen 
baa ☱Lorenzo
aab ☴Jenny

means all the across that the 3 layers is Masculine has one .
3a²b means 2 Masculine across together with one Feminine across has three.
 means the 3 layers is Feminine has one.
 The rest by analogy.

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