Friday, November 16, 2012

something of the horse

From the hedge numbers: 

2-1= one
4-3= one
6-5= one
8-7= one
10-9= one

From the same root numbers: 

        New born number         Mature number

"New born number " is  1;2;3;4;5.
"Mature number" is     6;7;8;9;10.

(《same root number was born from five.
one with six     6-1=5        1-6=-5 
seven with two  7-2=5        2-7=-5
three with eight 8-3=5        3-8=-5
four with nine   9-4=5        4-9=-5
five with ten     10-5=5       5-10=-5

(Same root numbers were born from 5).
6 – 1 = 5
2 – 7= -5 
8 – 3 = 5
4 – 9 = -5
5 – 5 = 0
6 – 1+2 – 7+8 – 3+4 – 9+5 – 5=zero
5+-5+0+ 5 +-5= Zero
5 +-5= Zero    5 +-5= Zero

No matter how you play it ,it would symmetry or balancehedge.For example

(4 fives except the center 5)
7+8=15 2+3=5 4+1=59+6=15 

(4 fives except the center 5)
7-2=5 6-1=5
8-3=5 9-4=5

     9-7=2    4-2=2   3-1=2    8-6=2

2+4=6 1+3=4      4 with 6 hedge
7+9=16 8+6=14   16 with 14 hedge

7+9+2+4=22  3+1+8+6=18

22+18=40   22 with 18 hedge

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