Sunday, November 11, 2012

number has gender

number has gender and There were three types of methods to distinguish out feminine and masculine of numbers according the Horse and the tortoise.

even and odd

Take even and odd number to distinguish feminine and masculine. that 
1;3;5;7;9masculine  . 2;4;6;8;10feminine .

Odd number with even number has the masculine and feminine Hedge relationship is the numbersCongenital ” .

in the “Tortoise” matrix, Odd number live four upright position 
Even number live four bevel position that  according to the first act of the tortoise.

 even and odd number in the horse :

            Ⅱ "New born number "and "mature number"

Take "New born number "and "mature number" to distinguish feminine and masculine. 

1;2;3;4;5 is new born number.  
6;7;8;9;10 is mature number.
same root numberwas born from five.
one with six】     6-1=5        1-5=-5  
seven with two】  7-2=5        2-7=-5
three with eight8-3=5        3-8=-5
four with nine】   9-4=5        4-9=-5
they are same root number.

same root number in the horse :

same root number in the tortoise: 

he first sort and the second sort are simple and easy ,but the third are harder。

To distinguish feminine and masculine from the position:

the third sort :hedge number

one ,nine are hedge number    1+9=10
two ,eight  are hedge number   2+8=10 
three, sevenare hedge number  3+7=10 
four ,six  are hedge number    4+6=10

         one two three four Mirror symmetry with four three two one




four ,six     they are hedge number》so I get 6 also I get the hedge position of 4 



two ,eight  they are hedge numberso I get 8, also I get the hedge position of 2 

 if use 3*1397→ then i got →3971
3×1=3  3×3=9  3×9=27  3×7=21   …

if i use eight * →2684then i got 6842
8×8=64  8×4=32   8×2=16    8×6=48…...

The following is a summary ,(to do each of rotation of the series pic is very trouble, so it is omitted to do it.)

Summary of the above law: we can see,when the same even meet the same root number ,The ending is still be the same root number

for example: three and eight are same root number
3×1=3  3×3=9  3×9=27  3×7=21........ 

1with 6  is same root number   2with 7 is same root number

4with 9 is same root number 
Summarize the above law: if the same root number meet the same even, will be the same outcome, as follows

if hedge number meet same number ,no matter meet  even or odd ,will be  hedge situation.

for example :one with night are hedge ,

same root multiplication itself ,i got still same root :

3×3=9   8×8=64  nine with foursame root  .

4×4=16  9×9=81  one with sixsame root.

2×2=4   7×7=49    four with nine】 same root.

1×1=1   6×6=36   one with sixsame root.

hedge number  multiplication itself ,i got the same position of 阴阳

1×1=1     9×9=81   (both Digits one)
2×2=4      8×8=64  (both Digits four)
4×4=16    6×6=36   (both Digits six)
3×3=9     7×7=49   (both Digits nine)

one ~ten  multiplication itself 

1×1=1  the Digits  is one         
2×2=4 the Digits is four
3×3=9the Digits  is nine
4×4=16the Digits  is six
5×5=25the Digits is five
6×6=36the Digits is six
7×7=49the Digits is nine
8×8=64the Digits is four
9×9=81the Digits  is one

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