Friday, November 16, 2012

Fibonacci sequence appear 5 actions

Fibonacci sequence
Fibonacci sequence appear 5 actions
Whenever 5 positions gap it
1, 1, 2, 3, 5,8,  13,  21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610,987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765,10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465,

Fibonacci sequence:

Fibonacci sequence:

Whenever 5 positions gap it

If Fibonacci sequence start from    “two, two”;     “three, three”;

  “four, four”;   “five, five”;    “six, six”;    “seven, seven”; “eight, eight”;   “nine , nine”. Fibonacci sequence still is the Fibonacci sequence .as followers:

Fibonacci sequence start from “one ,one ”:

Fibonacci sequence start from “two, two”:

Fibonacci sequence start from    “three, three”

Fibonacci sequence start from “four, four”

Fibonacci sequence start from  “five, five”;    “six, six”;    “seven, seven”; “eight, eight”;   “nine , nine”. The rest of the analogy.

According Mr. Clear clock  “pure-mixed-pure” triangle.
Arbitrary three numbers

1st position number;  2nd position number   3rd position number.

1st position number 2nd position number3rd position number.
 To around the triangle to do the serial subtraction

Now I arbitrary three numbers
1st position number 2nd position number3rd position number  that  51 133 184

The blue color triangle

The blue 3rd position number–the blue 2nd position number =the blue 184- the blue 133=the red 51

The blue 3rd position number – the blue 1st position number= the blue 184- the blue 51=the red 133

the blue 2nd position number– the blue 1st position number = the blue 133- the blue 51=the red 82

Now I to do the red color triangle

The red 3rd - the red 2nd=133-82= the black 51

the red 3rd –the red 1st=133-51=the black 82

the red 2nd–the red 1st=82-51= the black 31

Keep do the” black”:

Keep do it:

Keep do it until Romeo=0   :

If Fibonacci sequence start from “two, two”;  “three, three”;
  “four, four”;   “five, five”;    “six, six”;    “seven, seven”; “eight, eight”;   “nine , nine”. Fibonacci sequence still is the Fibonacci sequence.

If I take the Mr. Clear clocks  pure-mixed-pure” to do serial subtraction around it .

Keep do it

If let Romeo=0   then Juliet =Helen with Paris + zeroRomeo
If let  Juliet=0    then Romeo= Helen with Paris +zeroJuliet

I let Romeo=zero  then Juliet =Helen with Paris + zeroRomeo
It would be :
1=1+ zero
2=2+ zero
3=3+ zero
4=4+ zero
5=5+ zero
6=6+ zero
7=7+ zero
8=8+ zero
9=9+ zero

Some more examples:

 example one :
Arbitrary three numbers

1st position number;  2nd position number   3rd position number.
1st position number 2nd position number3rd position number.

That 25

 example two

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