Friday, November 16, 2012

The heart of Pascal’s triangle “shape”


the tortoise matrix
Through the center five3 numbers of Vertical, horizontal or diagonal line would like this
 Vertical    9-5=5-1=4          right diagonal line  5-2=8-5=3   
horizontal    5-3=7-5=2          left diagonal line  5-4=6-5=1
  4+1=5         3+2=5

Three numbers of the four sides, neighbors number is same root number
  Up [492]   9-4=5        down [816]   6-1=5
Left [438]   8-3=5        right  [276]   7-2=5

Three lines, three columns, two diagonals their each group  ‘s sum
  horizontal  4+9+2=15      3+5+7=15         8+1+6=15  
  Vertical    4+3+8=15        9+5+1=15      2+7+6=15    
 diagonal line   4+5+6=15      2+5+8=15

 numbers has shape, shape never left numbers. Shapes would have various of looking, but All the measuring of shapes could start from square shape and round shape .so, when it comes to measure them, It has to be  triangle. That is why Pythagoras theorem is the “God father” of the measure arts ……

In the ten numbersonly six and eightcould be roundshape. That is why one”“six and eightis roundshapes number here.

In the ten numbersonly the four and the ninecould accumulatebecome square shape. That is why“ two” “four ”and “night ”is “square”shapes number here.

In the ten numbers to do the Pascal’s triangle shapefrom 1~4it is to “three” its heart. From 1~7it is to “five” its heart.from 1~10it is to “seven” its heart. That is whythree”“fiveandsevenis the  triangles number.

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