Saturday, November 10, 2012

the feminine and masculine's reduce and increase)

4 the feminine and masculine's reduce and increase

law 1: The law of “balance grey”

the two hedge position peoplewould hedge. The feminine and masculine would keep the balance.

for example Forrest Gump as a guybut only has a little bit masculinebut his hedge position people that Jenny as a girl has lots of masculine, but jenny doesn’t have much feminine-- Forrest Gump does have enough feminine.

We also could see it from the feminine and masculine‘s symbols that across:

for example Forrest Gump as a guybut only has one masculine across but his hedge position people that Jenny has two masculine across. Jenny as a “girl” only has one feminine across. It doesn’t matter. Forrest Gump has two feminine across that could hedge with Jenny.

The M.I.F.Rand F.I.M.R in it.
M-Masculine   F-Feminine    I-Increase    R-Reduce
Masculine is gradually increase meanwhile feminine is gradually reduce.
Feminine is gradually increase meanwhile masculine is gradually reduce.

law 2  the feminine and masculine's reduce and increase.M.I.F.R  F.I.M.R
In the “guys”, Romeo is pure masculine. The process from Romeo to Forrest is the masculine gradually reduce.
 In the “girls”, Juliet is pure feminine .the process from Juliet to Jenny is the feminine gradually reduce.
We also could see it from the feminine and masculine‘s symbols that across.(it’s easy to see, so I omit it. )

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