Friday, November 16, 2012

Pascal’s triangle

Pascals triangle

I cut this ancient Chinese ‘s “”picure from wikipedia  :

I put checks and balances of five actions goes with the:

The” means stick. In the Chinese language .one is one stick ; two is two sticks ; three is 3 sticks  .One()  Two ()  Three() .

Pascal’s triangle 

Pascal’s triangle “shape”:

“Guy one, girl two; Guy three, girl four; Guy five, girl six;Guy seven, girl eight; Guy nine, girl ten”. (The 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 could be ordinal number also could be base number here

The numbers of the “Guy one, girl two; Guy three ……Guy nine, girl ten” may be the base number also may be the ordinal numbers. Depends on the observer ……Depending on how observer think of them,

View it as ordinal numbers:

5 “guys”+ 5 “girls” =ten “ people”

View it as base:

Odd number is masculine; even number is feminine.
Guy’s total that masculine’s total is 1+3+5+7+9=25  25 red points
Girl’s total that feminine’s total is 2+4+6+8+10 = 30 30 blue points

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