Saturday, November 10, 2012

chapter one-- Samples of too extreme


I give it an English name.

 s English name: too extreme.


Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” ――Warren Buffett

Feminine (the black): the Power of fearful

Masculine (the white):the  Power of greedy

Game theory: the famous Prisoner’s dilemma

Feminine (the black): the Power of stay silent
Masculine (the white): the Power of betrays

Game theory: Pig’s payoff

Feminine (the black):the  Power of pig stay
Masculine (the white): the Power of pig hoof

when Chinese martial art was took in combat or self-defensewhen you attackyour attack hide defend insidewhen you defend your defend hide attack inside.

Feminine (the black): the Power of your defend
Masculine (the white): the Power of your attack

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