Friday, November 16, 2012

the 3:2 Three guys two girls, it is single 參天兩地而倚數

                     •Three guys two girls, it is single . (3:2)

Three guys two girls, it is single ( that odd number).
It tells 3:2 hedge with 2:3. (In fact, also including 9:6)
Use the tortoise to express it (don't have to take the tortoise actually)
The tortoise

Red cycle is the tortoise’s M number; (odd)              Blue cycle is the tortoise’s F number (even)

Masculine number×3                                                         feminine number×2

1397                                2486

1×3=3     =3        3                 2×2=4    =22       4 
3×3=9     =32          9               4×2=8    =23      8
9×3=27     =33                        8×2=16   =24     6
27×3=81    =34          1               16×2=32   =25      2 
One again (digit of the number)                        two again (digit of the number)
81×3=243       3                                         32×2=64         4
243×3=729      9                                        64×2=128        8
729×3=2187     7                                       128×2=256       6
2187×3=6561    1                                       256×2=512       2
One again                                               two again
6561×3=19683       3                            512×2=1024        4   
19683×3=59049      9                            1024×2=2048       8
59049×3=177147     7                           2048×2=4096       6 
177147×3=531441                             4096×2=8192       2

One again                                        two again
531441×3=1594323       3            8192×2=16384        4
1594323×3=4782969     9            16384×2=32768       8
4782969×3=14348907    7           32768×2=65536        6
14348907×3=43046721            65536×2=1310872    

To plus them :

3+9+27+81=120   -------the purple number was gotten from plus them .

Red cycle is the tortoise’s M number; (odd)

I always got 81

Blue cycle is the tortoise’s F number (even)
I always got 16

Now I got 81 and 16.
34 =81  
 24 =16

The tortoise’s Masculine number; (odd)
3=31 9=3 27=33     81 =34
Three guys : 31 3 33    34 odd always walk as three

The tortoise’s Feminine number (even)
              4 =22 8=23   16=24 32=2
Two girls :22 23   24 25 even always walk as two

Now I see it goes back three guys’ two girls …

Odd numbers 1;3;9;7 as a groupthe red
Even 2;4;8;6 as a group. (the blue)

Why Odd number is 13579  but goes  1397
Why Even number is 246810 but goes 2486

因为Three guys two girls, it is single . 參天兩地而倚數”是关于乘除法而不是加减法。

Masculine increase more and more from 19 in the odd. Feminine increase more and more from 28 in the even.

In other words Masculine reduce more and more from 91 in the odd. Feminine reduce more and more from 82 in the even .

I would draw too extreme figure special for feminine and masculine from numbers of it later.
To make the M.I.F.Rand F.I.M.R situation of it  have “mirror hedge ”direction


奇偶数在乘除法的序列中,把他们中间两数相乘,最后正好可以在个位数上拆分成两端的数。也就是说把中间两数39相乘,最后正好可以拆分成两端的数17.   三乘九=2727去除以第一个奇数,最后正好可以在个位数上拆分成两端的数17.

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