Friday, November 16, 2012

5 and 6 is the middle number

 5 and 6 is the middle number ;

When it comes to the of number self multiply self, only 5 self multiply self that 5² and 6 self multiply self that 6² still is itself ( I mean the single-digit ). Because five and six is in the middle they are middle number in the middle of guy one girl two…..that the ten numbers. 

Play it fancier:(only write the number‘s digits

5 and 6 is the middle number

Take 2 for example

                       Take 3 for example

Watch the same root number:
For example Two with seven is same root number

3 with 8 is same root number

The rest of the analogyI mean the same root number

Write the eleven up and down relatively

Write the eleven left and right relatively

Arrange the order by M and Fs contents”:

Odd number is masculine; even number is feminine.

Guy’s total that masculine’s total is 1+3+5+7+9=25  25 red points

Girl’s total that feminine’s total is 2+4+6+8+10 = 30 30 blue points

Plus all the odd =25            1+3+5+7+9=25

Plus all the eve=30             2+4+6+8+10 = 30

5 is Odd number. 6 is even number.

5the middle number× 5 actions that 5× 5=25 masculines total

6the middle number× 5 actions that 6× 5=30 feminines total


11× 5 actions that 11× 5=55

55= 25(masculine’s total)+ 30(feminine’s total)

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