Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Klein bottle / Möbius strip / Eulerian path

Klein bottle :
I cut the Network screen-shots from the “Wikipedia"

Let the Klein bottle ‘s inside is masculine then outside of it is feminine.

Möbius strip
Cut the Network screen-shots  from Wikipedia

Möbius strip would feel like the "Pony" (wrote it in the chapter 6 )
Klein bottle would feel like The" little turtle "(wrote  in the chapter 6 too )
Two ponies touch together becomes one little turtle.
Two Möbius strips touch together one Klein bottle .

Eulerian path:
I cut the Network screen-shots from Wikipedia

Eulerian path:

" little turtle " goes with Eulerian path:

Or "Pony" goes with Eulerian path:

If let A is the Starting point ,B is the end . If let starting point is masculine ,then the end is the feminine .The two point is hedge degree if they were in the “Eulerian path”. as follows:

The Tortoise matrix appear Eulerian path

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