“Too extreme ”bears “two hanging out” ,“two hanging out”has two that“ Romeo” and “Juliet ”.the “two”
that Romeo and Juliet bears “four hanging out” that “Romeo ,Helen, Paris
Ancient Chinese would say the “2H” bears the “4H”.
Then the “4H” would through the
"decomposition" become five actions. It would feel like American people′s checks and balance.
Executive power + legislature power + judiciary power
=3 powers or one whole power.
But the "five actions" take 5, not three.
I give it an English
name that "Checks and balance of five actions” for short: "five actions"
Give each action English name that Water,Wood, Earth, Metal ,Fire.
Math way to express the "Checks and balance of five actions"
2 +1.5 +1+ ½ +0 = 5
Nature way to express the "Checks and balance of five actions"
Wood---------any alive that is living (any live life not
Earth---------Chemical change (including pregnant,
sow plant's seed in land)
Metal---------- Physical changes (including have dead or have been born)
Fire--------Oxygen, temperature (→fire→sunshine→Plant's photosynthesis → Oxygen →stuff able to be burn → fire→ )
Math way:
the “five
5 is ordinal number here)
Romeo (an one of the five
Paris (an one of the five
Helen (an one of the five
Juliet (an one of the five
The zero (an one of the five
An one +an one+ an one+ an one +an one =
five one
Or express it in other words:
The first one +the second one + the third one
+the 4th one+the 5th one =five one
The zero would feel like the beginning of the
universe is “Vacuum”.
The “vacuum” hasn’t form yet or the life is only a fertilized
egg. The fertilized egg hasn’t form people yet.
The “Vacuum” + "us" = the whole(the five one).
"us" is Romeo, Paris, Helen, and Juliet.
The situation
of the 5 (the 5 is base number here)
Point out
the feminine and masculine's reduce and increase in the
five actions
Tell it from the “balance grey”:
original looking of the ½ is ◑.
The ½ could "grow up "、"grow mature "from little:
every ½ was born from ½ in the 2H congenially,but each ½
has different situation after they "grow mature " in the 4H.
The first one is zero,the second
one is ½ ;the third one is 1;the 4th is
1.5;the 5th is 2 . Plus them is five. 0 + ½+1+ 1.5+2 = 5
Romeo means ½ in the 2H.
Paris means ½ in the 2H.
Helen means ½ in the 2H.
Juliet means ½ in the 2H.
masculine is 1:1.
2 +1.5 +1+ ½ +0 = 5
When the 5 action in the decimal system :
Several Cases of Nature way to
express the "Checks
and balance of five action" In the chemistry, if Acid and alkali had“balance grey” reaction ,it would occurs in the salt, water, heat . Acid +
alkali = salt + water+ heat .the total of them is five (5 actions).If equal
strong Acid met equal strong alkali,and they reacted strongly,both of them would
suffer---lose-lose. The PH scales did not exist anymore, they became
salt. It is the Checks and balance of five action’s overcoming. Weak Acid and
weak alkali would not that lose-lose.
Strong Acid could overcoming weak alkali, strong alkali
would overcoming weak Acid .if let Acid is feminine. Then Alkali would be masculine.in the "start from
water is full black color”
Wood--------- Acid
Metal---------- Alkali
Maybe it is Acid-Bases not Acid-alkali
Sorry. I don't know the exactly English. The English
word that Alkali I adopted may wrong. Maybe I should take Bases to instead the Alkali I adopted here.
(If let the relative strength of Acids is masculine,
then the relative strength of Bases would be feminine)
Another physics case:
Water-------- Force and field
Fire-------- Speed (or temperature)
Metal--------- energy
Earth---------Elementary particle
A nature case:
Metal overcoming Wood -----------
Everyone would Dead and plants cant alive in the metal solution.
Wood overcoming Earth ﴾soil﴿---------Planting trees could prevent soil erosion
Earth overcoming Water ---------soil bags would use to prevent Flood flooding; The “alive soil” could help erosion
control(when alive plants stay in the soil it means the soil
is living.)
Water overcoming Fire---------water off fire
Fire overcoming Metal -----------Metal smelting is in the fire .
relatively dynamic, Fire (energy) comes from the plant or tree. Oil is Fire. When Coal haven’t be burn ,it could be
view as “Earth”If the Coal
or Oil haven't dead yet,it’s
living Wood .So it could be view as “wood”.If the Coal or Oil is burning, it’s view as “fire”.
Human's over-exploitation of non-renewable resources, excessive consumption of underground coal, oil, gas, etc. And Steel and other metal manufacturing industry's consumption to "soil” would weak the soil (“earth”), →weak "soil" no power to overcoming “Water” normally →Antarctic ice shelf melting→Global warming.....
The earth's temperature rises or global warming means “fire”’s power be strong.
since “fire”’s power be strong by the earth's temperature rises,according to “Water overcoming Fire.“water” would be
overcoming it that “fire”,glacier melt to
produce water, “water”’s power be strong in this step,oh
“water” s power be strong abnormally in this step,
according to Earth overcoming Water ,now the “earth” is needed . But according to Fire generate Earth , “ earth” calls for fire
to generate. since then,the circle may not gentle start .I mean the extreme weather
or weird weather start.
Or describe it from Generation:
Since the "soil" is weak by Human's consumption to the "soil”, according to Fire generate Earth. It has to raise the temperature to keep alive.......
since then,the circle may not gentle start. I mean the extreme
weather or weird weather start.
In the Four-stroke
The four-cycle:
Wood---------(intake stroke)
Earth--------- (The vehicle gets it)
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