Friday, November 16, 2012

the 9:6


Before I start the 9:6 let me comment something first . as follows

The largest number of the “tortoise” matrix is nine. (It’s an odd number)

The largest number of the “horse” matrix is ten. (It’s an even number)

If view it as base number:

The “tortoise” matrix total number is 45. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45

The “horse” matrix total number is 55.  1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 +10=55

If view it as ordinal number:
The “tortoise” matrix has nine positions.
The “horse” matrix has ten positions.


The “Horse” and the “Tortoise” as square

 The “Horse’s” number is 55 and the “Tortoise’s” number is 45. Put them together is 100 (45+55=100) that is Feminine and Masculine’s full.  The full that the 100 take oblique as the boundaries to separate it then the 10 positions the 10 positions means If view it as ordinal numberfrom the first till 10ths it hold is 55the 55 means If view it as base number,
if 9 positions what it hold is 45. 

The two across then become the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” that two triangles shape. Whenever from the lesser position goes to more position, it must be triangle shape the base number it hold.

It is triangle shape to break the 100 points’ square , (if the 100 points is square shape).  It is the following figure’s root.

The “Horse” and the “Tortoise” as triangle
 In the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” as square, The “Horse” and the “Tortoise” are two numbers, but in the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” as triangle ,it is one number that two became one .
the 9 layers Pascal triangle shape that the 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9 I draw is the “Tortoise” (I draw it red color).  The 10 positions of the points that one two three……. until ten means the horse .(I draw it blue, the points.)

In the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” as triangle, it is one number that the two become one. Although they each shape haven’t appeared yet. They position haven’t action yet .but the law of the “masculine and feminine embrace each other”.and the law of Pascal’s triangle “shape” already stay in it silently .The following is to discuss it.

10 positions of the points to response horse (horse is 10 positions of ordinal number)

Three layers of blue points.
Center has 9 blue points.
Followed by has 2×9=18 that 18 blue points. 
Outside has 3×9=27 that 27 blue points.
In other words, from the inside to outside:
(Center) the first layer:   9 blue points.
The second layer  :        2×9=18 blue points.
(Outside) the third layer  : 3×9=27 blue points.
Total is 54 (9+18+27=54), except the center heart (I draw the heart purple color) 

Also three layers of blue points.
From the inside to outside:
(Center) the first layer:  6 blue points.
The second layer:        2×6=12 blue points.
(Outside) the third layer: 3×6=18 blue points.
Total is 36, (6+12+18 = 36) except the center heart (I draw the heart purple color)

 Also three layers of triangle.
From the inside to outside:
(Center) the first layer:  nine triangles.
The second layer  :    3×9=27 triangles.
(Outside) the third layer  : 5×9=45 triangles.
Total is 81.

 Three layers of triangle:
(Center) the first layer:    6 triangles.
The second layer  :       3×6=18  triangles.
(Outside) the third layer  :  5×6=30 triangles.
Total is 54. (6+18+30 = 54)

Although the products of the number are different in the above each pictures. The essence of the above each pic is the same by the “nine” and the “six” of it that it’s one same thing.
The nine and six could have three layers from center
(Center) the first layer The second layer (Outside) the third layer

On every layer to discuss it
Nine is the male relatively here, the masculine surround feminine. Six is the female relatively here, the feminine including masculine.

My picture comment of the fractal of the nine and six:

 The “masculine and feminine Embrace each other”.

My picture comment of the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” is one number.

My picture comment of the “Horse” and the “Tortoise” are two numbers.

For example: the Koch snowflake
I think if the Koch snowflake want to grow big ,everytime of the Koch snowflake grow up is about the 9:6 of the nine‘s shape and the six ‘s shape in it.

 other  9:6

1 3 7 9
2 4 6 8

 According to odd number is round shape, even number is shape.

6 should be , 9 should be .
But the six also could be shape congenitallyand the nine also could be shape congenitally.

So The 9:6 . 

why its 6 around one ,not 4  around one or 5 around one ?

“Round of seven” The center of the “Round of seven” is six surround one. They edge touch each other don’t have gap.
What is the “don’t have gap”? Only the “6 surround one” don’t have gap, When all the rounds their diameter is equal.
For example
Let all the rounds their diameter is equal .the “five surround one”has gap.

 Let the rounds their diameter is equal. The “four surround one “has gap.

Why means odd number
                    why  means even number

When a round’s diameter is equal with a square’s side length.

 The Square with the round has the relationship of masculine and feminine.
If let the round is M, then the square is F.
 If let the square is M then the round is F.

 when a round’s diameter is equal with a square’s side length. The is guy (masculine)the is girl(feminine). As if they let odd number is masculine then even number would be feminine .

Masculine across is one “big stick” relatively, while feminine across is two “little stick” relatively 

Even number could be thea pair of numbers” congenitally and relatively .for example Eight is a pair of four. Four is a pair of two. We could get the “single” from “half” the even number.

Prime number could be a single number congenitally and relatively; Irrational number could be a single number congenitally and relatively.

Actually, any number could be the single number. It relates to distinguish masculine and feminine. The Number’s relative motion is not static or the masculine and the feminine wont relatively static. So, it depend the specific situation; specific case or the math player’s desire. The key word of it is “half it or double it”. If “double” the single number then could get the a pair of numbers”. If “half” the a pair of numbers” then could get the single number.

When a round its diameter is one its perimeter isπthat 3.1415926…
πthat 3.1415926……is kind of single number.

When a square side length is one its perimeter is four.

According to odd number is guy(masculine) even number is girl (feminine) they set .
Someans odd number.
means even number.

This ideal may also is that
1 ÷ 1 and 1×1= one still  So one don't join the “start” .
Odd start from three. Even start from two in the Multiplication and division.

Too extreme as if zero in the addition and subtraction, too extreme as if one in the Multiplication and division

 I notice a situation. When the text book try to express the Pascal’s Triangle shape” I called in English. It would say “Guy one, girl two; Guy three, girl four; Guy five, girl six; Guy seven, girl eight; Guy nine, girl ten” that guy or girl in the front .number in the back.
But when it tries to express 3:2 .it won’t put guy or girl in the front.It would say “three guys two girls, it is single”. that Guy or girl in the back.

What I did:

Now the three guys two girls, it is single”,  Guy or girl in the back.

 According the semantic meaning of the ancient original of “Three guys two girls, it is single .I also could call it: “three guys two girls, it is sharp shape” in English.

According ancient Chinese guys think or Benoit Mandelbrot’s to the triangle.

I think the “three guys two girls, it is single” could be irrational number Also could be natural number.

In the Fibonacci sequence

With the increase in the number series, the ratio of the previous one and after a closer and closer to the golden section value 0.6180339887 ...

3 ÷ 2 = 1.5,
5 ÷ 3 = 1.666 ...,
8 ÷ 5 = 1.6
89 ÷ 55 = 1.6181818 .
233 ÷ 144 = 1.618055 ...
75025 ÷ 46 368 = 1.6180339889 .... ..
the More goes to the back, the ratio is more closer to the golden ratio.

Start from 32 In the Fibonacci sequence

And according to the Fibonacci sequence appear 5 actions
3+2=5 21+34=55 as if 3+2=5 233+377=610 as if 3+2=5  ………

I think One case of the three guys two girls, it is single” is that When western people say the golden ratio would feel like the three guys two girls, it is single”.
If let the 0.618 is Masculine then the 1.618 is feminine.

If let the 1.618 is Masculine then the 0.618 is feminine. 

another 9:6

If  consider the situation of “M.I.F.R” and “F.I.M.R”  As follows:

If I don't consider the situation of the “M.I.F.R” and “F.I.M.R”  now but consider the hedge number to arrange the order .
Odd number is   13579
 Even number is    421086

one ,nine    1+9=10     They are hedge number
two ,eight  2+8=10      They are hedge number
three, seven 3+7=10    They are hedge number
four ,six     4+6=10    They are hedge number


 one with six     6-1=5        1-5=-5 
           【 seven with two  7-2=5        2-7=-5
          【 three with eight 8-3=5        3-8=-5
          【 four with nine   9-4=5        4-9=-5

                 they are same root number.

Odd number 13579  to ×12346789

Even number 421086 to × 12346789
Write the single-digit only

Observe it (single-digit only)

 First I Observe the Odd number 1357

Whenever hedge number it would mirror symmetry
The Case:
1 with 9 is hedge number

It is mirror symmetry
1       3  5  7  99  7  5   3   1

2 with 8 is hedge number

It is mirror symmetry
1    6  0  4  88  4  0  6  2

3 with 7 is hedge number
It is mirror symmetry
3  9  5  1  7 7  1  5  9  3

4 with 6 is hedge number
It is mirror symmetry
4 2 0 8 6 6 8 0 2 4

Whenever same root number, it would same root!

the Case:
1 with 6 is same root number

 one with six     6-1=5        1-5=-5 
 seven with two  7-2=5        2-7=-5
 three with eight 8-3=5        3-8=-5
 four with nine   9-4=5        4-9=-5
they are same root number.

2 with 7 is same root number

 one with six  seven with two  three with eight  four with nine    they are same root number.

Other case of the “Whenever same root number, it would same root” is the same with that .so I omit it .

Now I observe Even number  421086
Whenever hedge number it would mirror symmetry

4 2 0 8 66 8 0 2 4
Other case of “Whenever hedge number  it would mirror symmetry “of Even number  42108I omit it

Whenever it’s same root number, it would be the same

Let the Odd number 13579 is M then the Even number  421086 would be F.

It  appear 9:6

only When 1 and 4 6 and 9 could appear the order that odd number is 13579 .   Even number is 421086
As follows

The 6 and 9 

New born number             Mature number

only Mature number have the qualifications to tell 9:6.
cuz New born number only have 4 positon,have not become Decimal yet.

Figure of when 13579 go with 421086
13579 could go with 421086

Figure of why 1357 could go with  421086

Explain why take nine and ten:
  9 is the largest odd number.  10 is the largest even number (in the 1~10)The largest number of the “tortoise” matrix is nine. The largest number of the “horse” matrix is ten. The “tortoise” matrix has nine positions. The “horse” matrix has ten positions. The Nine represent the “tortoise” matrix. The Ten represent the “horse” matrix.

The “tortoise” self multiplies self:
nine positions self multiplies self that 9×9=81
Ancient Chinese always says “double nine would go back one”.

The “horse” self multiplies self:
Ten positions self multiplies self that 10×10=100

Odd number start from one So only take one piece .                  
even number start from four   so take four sides.

The “Horse” matrix appear the 13579 could go with 421086

The red circle that masculine number : 13579 is a Möbius strip.
The blue circle that feminine number : 421086 is a Möbius strip.
The two Möbius strips that  1357 and  421086 could become a Klein bottle.

The feminine number : 42108start from four end in six . Six is the super feminine here. So, six representative feminine number.

The masculine number : 1357start from one end in nine. Nine is the super masculine here. So, nine representative masculine number.

Across appear the 9:6  

3×3=9   or    3+3+3=3=9(Romeo)        6×3=18   or  6+6+6=18(Romeo)
3×2=6   or    3+3=6(Juliet)              6×2=12   or   6+6=12(Juliet)    
           9:6                                    18:12 9:6


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